Рекрутинговое агентство
основанное в 2005 году. Консалтинг и подбор персонала в России и СНГ
Рекрутинговое агентство, основанное в 2005 году RECCOM
Консалтинг и подбор персонала в России и СНГ

ВакансияManager, Financial Planning & Analysis

FMCG company

• Responsible for performing and executing the financial planning and performance management processes
• Partner with teams, RGM team and Platform Services team to perform and execute the Business Plan, Rolling Estimates and Business Performance, securing alignment with multiple stakeholders and developing relevant insights including:
o Coordinate with Business Insights Team to derive & provide local business plan insights & assumptions
o Partner, provide inputs and coordinate with PS team to run P&L scenarios
o Forecasting: analyze forecasts, develop and discuss insights with stakeholders, and report key takeaways
o Prepare presentation material for Team.
o Provide insights to anticipate Risks & Opportunities (R&O) (s) P&L to Operations Finance to ensure target achievements
o Review and analyze Financial data (Actual Results, Rolling Estimate, Business Plan, Brand Contribution, Operating Income, etc.).
o Partner with Platform Services to ensure proper reporting of P&Ls and to drive operating effectiveness within the Operating Unit by improving data, tools and processes
o Support definition of budget targets and requirements
o Support Business Insights Team on business performance analysis, narrative and presentations
o Perform scenarios and make recommendation for team.
• Beyond the above-mentioned responsibilities the role will be also part of a dynamic, flexible and agile talent pool, focused on the highest priority initiatives in Planning, Competitive Analysis and Insights area.


• >4 years of experience in senior financial planning & analysis (or commercial finance) roles
• Solid understanding of P&L, variance analysis and R&O, with proven ability to generate, represent, communicate and discuss insights as well as to work in a diverse cultural environment and practice curiosity.


Compensation: Car allowance, fuel allowance, food allowance.
Health insurance

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